Gen Z Votes California Central Valley
Long Term Goals: Register 200+ Gen-Zers to vote before the election.
Chapter Founded
Gen Z Votes at Clovis West High School founded by Brooklyn Senneway

Brooklyn Senneway
Chapter President
Hi! My name is Brooklyn Senneway and I am 17 years old and an incoming senior at Clovis West Highschool. My biggest accomplishment is being given the ability to work at the Cal Youth Crisis Line. In the future I hope to become a psychologist!

Christian Kevorkian
Vice President
Hey everyone! My name is Christian Kevorkian. I am 17 years old and an incoming senior at Clovis West Highschool. I've played soccer for around 8 years and have developed a love for psychology through coaching special needs students and adults and also as I researched and developed my passion project towards AP Psychology students. In the future, I hope to become a clinical or criminal psychologist & attend UCLA or UC Berkeley.